dimecres, 29 de novembre del 2017

Eixida a Onda

El passat dimecres varem anar al museu de ceràmica Manuel Safont d'Onda i al museu del Carmen.
Va estar genial!
Recomanable al 1000 x 1000!

Primer visitàrem  el museu de ceràmica. Allí fèrem un taller d'argila i una visita a tot el museu. Els monitors ho varen fer de luxe i varem "xalar de valent".

English Art!

In our art class today in the afternoon, we have painted our ceramic piece that we made last week in Onda.
We visited the Ceramic Museum and we done some  very nice pieces. Today in the afternoon we have painted them.
They look lovely!
Don't you think so?
Our art teacher, Silvia has explained us the technique.
we look so happy!